Coparenting Therapy

I'm chatting with clinical psychologist, Tiffany Rochester, in Perth, Australia. She specializes in coparenting therapy for divorced and separated parents who aim to work together for the betterment of their child(ren). We discuss what coparenting means, the mindset of providers and parents in effective and ineffective coparenting therapy, the role of the legal system, and common themes of emotions that children display. Many parents have described to me that they feel they're coparenting with

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ABA Therapy | Chatting with Traditional Applied Behavior Analysis Therapists

I'm chatting with the owners of Pacific Northwest Behavior, a Spokane, WA based ABA provider to young children with autism and other developmental difficulties. Kourtney and Steve are BCBAs, and we chat about the important ethical considerations of using ABA to honor autistic people's independence while also helping them to gain more independence.

We dive into differential reinforcement and how parents are likely to encounter this behavioral principal with any child on a typical day.

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