How a Psychologist Does Self-Care After Two Weeks in Isolation

Dr. Blevins tells you how she's engaging in self-care this week. Needs may change as the pandemic changes or isolation is prolonged. Each person should consider where they need support in their life and strive to create ways to provide self-compassion and active coping through self-care that best suits them.

Dr. Blevins' personal strategies include:

1. Taking time for personal life every day. No more workaholic lifestyle. 2. Doing physical tasks/activities that create an inner monologue of caring for one's self, like cleaning the home, doing fun personal grooming, etc. 3. Daily outside exercise 4. Creating space for normal everyday topics 5. Using a heating pad as recommended by a pharmacist to reduce eye strain and tension headaches from increased online work 6. Call people in my social network more often. Recognizing that they are wanting the support as much as me.