How to do breathing and mindfulness | Working with a physical/yoga therapist and psychologist

Meet Jen Wilking! She is a physical therapist and yoga therapist who has honed in on helping people to learn how to relax their mind and body. In this video she teaches us how to breathe properly, and then we do a live demonstration of a 5-minute mindfulness practice. We discuss how breathing correctly and mindfulness can change your stress level and how parents can support their children with building mindfulness as well as themselves. I learned so much from Jen during this chat. I went into our call with a bit of a migraine, and just doing the demonstrations really helped to bring down the pain level I was experiencing. Be sure to sign up for her listserv (below) so you can get her how-to guide for today's mindfulness practice and stay up-to-date with new practices Jen releases.

More from Jen: Here's the freebie download that covers the 5-minute meditation we did today. This is my yoga nidra series. The next one starts in January. And my breathing course, which goes live in December. The iRest Institute - Insight Timer App for Meditation - Bio - Jen Wilking is a physical therapist and yoga therapist. She teaches yoga & meditation practices that develop strength, balance, & flexibility of body, mind, & spirit.

You can follow me on Facebook: @enildaclinic Instagram: @enildaclinic Youtube: @enildaclinic Pinterest: @enildaclinic I have a new interactive group on facebook: Positive Parenting Q and A! You can submit questions and I answer them through facebook live each week.