Parent's Biggest Fear #2 re: Child Therapy: Is my child crazy?

Dr. Blevins discusses another common fear brought up by parents when they've been told by someone, often well meaning, that their child may need therapy or counseling. This fear is that their child may be "crazy" or have something permanently wrong with them. Dr. Blevins discusses how this is not the correct outlook, especially with children, and is often not helpful to families emotional health. Children are developing rapidly, and often therapy and counseling is meant to intervene and get them back on track. With most DSM-5 disorders for children, the symptoms can be remediated with evidence-based, high-fidelity interventions, or therapy. A new way of thinking of therapy is coaching for the soft skills in life, like emotional, social, executive functioning, and language skills, that a child will need to be successful. This is similar to having a fitness trainer, a coach for a sport, or a tutor in math.